In the first attempt, they bounced off a tightly closed door. So they energetically started ringing all the bells and punching the armored glass that separated healthcare providers from their benefactors and sponsors of their studies. – Open, open… – they shouted at the top of their lungs. - Help! Help! After a long while, an Empathetic Paramedic appeared and opened the door to the editorial team eager for medical help. – Let's go to the horse rider on duty! – they shouted simultaneously. “Please sit down and search your pockets for your latest insurance document,” the Empathetic Orderly ordered phlegmatically. - What??? Insurance??? We need help here, not showing what we have and what we don't have in our pockets! Please get us in touch with a doctor quickly! – First of all, we will direct you to the appropriate group… what's wrong with you… what? – said the Empathetic Paramedic. “A wandering uterus, according to the Reverend,” the red-actress blurted out – Wait, wait… – muttered the Empathetic Paramedic, leafing through the latest guidelines of the National Brother Payer. – What do we have here?…
There is… a ruptured uterus – we then give a red sash to the patient; abandoned uterus – decorated with a yellow sash; all other uteruses not classified above – receive a green sash. In accordance with the instructions, he girded the red-actress's chest with a green sash and walked away with a step reminiscent of the famous parade step on marshy ground during military studies classes. Meanwhile, Ivana Unexpectedly, it turned out that after dealing with all the people wearing red and yellow sashes, the quota allocated for cases of uterine diseases that day had ended. The on-duty team, in accordance with the guidelines, prepared documentation for the National Brother Payer.
The units banded with green sashes had no chance of helping today. The Reverend nodded his head at the futility of fate and temporal organisational solutions. Being a resourceful man, he suggested visiting a well-known uterine healer or using the Formula 1 service. The service was called, but unfortunately the price of the service was beyond the paying capacity of the red-actor Ivana X.
All that remained was the hope that menopause would relieve Ivana of her uterine suffering. The Ministry of All Patients has been working hard for the benefit of Sarmaland's patients, but one has not yet been born who would be able to satisfy all. Maybe he wasn't born, but you have to try," remarked the Minister of All Patients.and ordered a search for a new image for the Ministry. Since the sidelining of Mrs Wyborowa Wizerunkowa, he has personally created his media image. After a very stormy meeting with trusted advisors, it was decided to rename the Ministry of All Patients as the Ministry of Good Decisions Only.
A decision made in the right ministry, in the right aura, has a completely different stature than some random and ill-considered proposal by Ms Wyborowa Wizerowna.
The first legislative initiative of the newly established ministry was the Act on not expressing hasty opinions, which was to be an integral part of the medical act package. Doctors, especially the old ones, tended to give opinions on everything, review it, consider it from different angles. The worst thing was that they called a council every time and discussed it even 24 hours a day! Such a disorderly exchange of free thoughts could not lead to anything good. Not expressing hasty opinions did not solve all the problems regarding treatment. Patients obtained drugs in various ways - they forced doctors to prescribe more and more expensive prescriptions by request, deception and threats.
Everything has to be controlled, checked and supervised. You can't let anything go, and under no circumstances should you let doctors decide on their own. The Minister of Only Good Decisions was losing his mind, wondering what else could be done to put an end to this electoral laxity. During a routine Thursday staff meeting, he asked Mrs. Wyborowa Wizerunkowa a last-chance question: – Do you have any new idea that could put an end to this laxity in reimbursement among horse riders?
– Eeeee… uh… this… aaaa maybe… by… yes – Mrs. Wyborowa Image replied in full sentence. – Well, you're of no use! I'm firing you irrevocably and this time for real, not for PR! Goodbye forever! Please return your mobile phone to the office and take the tram back home! You are no longer entitled to a company car!!! – shouted Minister Bartolomeo Karriera-Nieuwierra, known in Poland and abroad for only good decisions. He sipped from a can of a drink that cleared his mind and warded off the specter of hypoglycemia that always haunted him when he fired someone from work, then delved into the pile of pleading papers that various associations had thrown at him. Or maybe we could delve deeper into these reimbursement structures... Look for some criminal connection with this Bad Pharma... there must be... some connection... if they produce these drugs, they get something out of it... they must have... well, it can't be that they had nothing... Hours passed, more cans of lightening drink landed in the waste bin under the ministerial desk, and the ministerial mind was still immersed in darkness and decision-making powerlessness. Due to the lack of evidence for a controlled crime, the minister decided to look for other ways to deal with the problems. After much consideration, he decided that the classic solution would be the safest. After all, it worked so many times, it should work this time too! – he said to himself, to console himself. I'll blame it all on those greedy croakers. I will say that their salaries eat up the medical budget and at least someone will be responsible for the financial shortfall.
Exhausted by the loss of energy, he managed to allocate what was left of it to write an application for a special bonus for himself for his services to the health of the nation.